Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mary Kate Olsen Heath Ledger Death Apartment Denial

Mutterings of the Rumor Mill claim one of the Olsen Twins may have been with Heath Ledger when he died on Tuesday afternoon. We’re not sure about that; but The New York Times reports that the fifth floor Downtown Manhattan apartment Heath died in is owned by Mary-Kate Olsen.

Heath Ledger and Mary-Kate Olsen were dating, the New York press reports. According to the New York Post, the former Full House star’s bodyguard has confirmed to police that the two stars were dating.

The massage therapist who found Heath Ledger dead in a Manhattan apartment on Tuesday, called Mary Kate Olsen upon finding the actor unconscious, the Associated Press reports; explaining the possible connection between the death of Heath Ledger and the Olsen Twins. Mary Kate, who was a contact on Heath’s phone, told the masseuse that she would send over her private security, the massage therapist then dialed 911.

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