What is the number one thing they teach you in Marketing class? I think I recall it being get noticed and get your name out. Well Ford Motor Company has done just that.
The January 18, 2008 Winnipeg Free Press had a ford advertisement in it that caught the eyes of many people. This full Page advertisement shows the rear of a vehicle with a bumper sticker reading, "Drive it like you stole it."
The vehicle appears over a banner with the caption, "Built for life in Manitoba."
Congratulations Ford!! You are winning the Marketing game.
Like come on. These Winnipegger's have time to call Ford and complain about their news paper advertisements which caught their eyes. Ford is in the business of selling, even in a business with little growth.
It is known that Winnipeg has a high stolen auto rate. Over 20 cars are stolen each day in the city. Last I checked this was a public statistic and even some poor old man in Timbuktu can look to see these up-to-date statistics.
So grow up Winnipeg. This is the reason why people move away, because everyone in this city is so worried about our cities image as opposed to fixing the problem.
So to sum it all up: Ford is advertising to sell new cars which are harder to steal. This would lower the Auto Theft in the city of Winnipeg, and therefore would make our city more attractive to outside markets and tourists.
Let the market fix Winnipeg, don’t sit and bitch because you’re doing nothing and your unemployment checks are already spent.
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